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Asian Connection Club

Raised toward our $350 Goal
14 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on February 29, at 11:59 PM PST
Project Owners

Empower Cultural Connection: Support the Asian Connection Club Homecoming Crowdfunding Campaign!

We invite you to join the movement that's fostering a positive community connection and celebrating the rich tapestry of Asian cultures at Stanislaus State - the Asian Connection Club. Our unique and creative space is dedicated to exploring the characteristics of Central Asian, East Asian, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander, Southeast Asian, South Asian, and West Asian cultures, all while building lifelong friendships.

Who Are We? The Asian Connection Club welcomes the AANHPI student population at Stanislaus State, as well as any students who appreciate and want to broaden their cultural horizons regarding Asian-American and Pacific Islander culture. We exist to build awareness for various Asian cultures on campus and provide a safe environment for Asian-American and Pacific Islander students to connect and build social networks. Our main goal is to provide a safe, inclusive space for all members, supporting and celebrating the multitude of Asian cultures present on campus.

Why Your Support Matters: We are reaching out to you to be a part of our journey and support the Asian Connection Club's mission. Your contribution will be used to:

  1. Organize Cultural Events: Properly celebrate and highlight the various Asian communities that make up our student body.
  2. Provide Authentic Experiences: Supply cultural food, decorations, and materials for activities/crafts to create an authentic Asian event experience.
  3. Give Voice to AANHPI Students: Support and provide a culturally inclusive space for AANHPI students who seek a platform to share their culture and for those interested in learning.
  4. Fulfill Dreams This Semester: Help make our dreams for this semester possible!

Your Donation in Action: Just a few dollars could go a long way towards achieving our goals, including:

  • Culturally Diverse Foods: Catering for our events to tantalize taste buds with flavors from diverse Asian cuisines.
  • Club Merchandise: Enable our members to showcase their Asian Connection Club pride with t-shirts, sweaters, hats, pins, branded chopsticks, stickers, and bracelets.
  • Field Trips: Offer our members opportunities to experience AANHPI holidays and events elsewhere, creating memories and building cultural understanding.
  • Materials for Activities/Events: Provide essentials like paint, paper, balloons, tablecloths, etc., to enhance the overall club experience.

How You Can Make a Difference: Your donation will help put the power of cultural inclusivity to work! Please consider giving generously to support the Asian Connection Club. Every gift, regardless of the amount, matters and is greatly appreciated. Share our campaign on social media to help spread the word and inspire others to contribute.

Donate Now and Make a Difference!

Thank you for considering our appeal. Your support will help us continue empowering cultural inclusivity and make a lasting difference in the lives of our members. Together, let's build a community where diversity is celebrated and cherished.